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Dental Crown

Rendering of jaw with dental crownCrowns are a great way to protect your teeth and deal with cavities when the issue is too big for a filling to handle. Our team can help you decide when a crown is right for your teeth while answering all of your questions along the way. If you need a crown put in, or any other dental work done to help give you the best and healthiest smile, then Capital Dental Center is the right choice for you.

Do I Need a Crown?

If we see a patient who has a cavity that is too large to fill, we may suggest they get a crown. This will take care of the cavity more efficiently than the filling and can provide better protection as well. We may also recommend a crown if the tooth is severely worn down, if the tooth is weak, or if there is a large crack.

At times, when we recommend a patient get a root canal on their tooth, the root canal may make the tooth fragile, so a crown will provide more protection. We may also decide that you are a candidate for a crown if you are missing a tooth and we need to add in a tooth implant or a dental bridge to improve your oral health.

When Should I Get a Crown?

It is important to get the crown as soon as possible after our team recommends it. Our practice will complete a dental exam to see if a crown is recommended for any of the reasons above. Getting the crown done in a timely manner can help protect your teeth.

Our team can help you choose the right time to get the procedure done based on your schedule. In some cases, we may be able to get the crown done in our office that same day. Proper treatment will keep your teeth strong and healthy, and can limit the amount of damage the cavity will do to your gums.

How To Take Care of Your Dental Crown

The more attention and care you give to the crown, the longer it will last. Practice routine brushing, doing so two times per day. You may also want to consider a toothpaste for sensitive teeth, at least in the beginning. Flossing should become part of your regular regimen as well.

We suggest avoiding any foods that are hard. These can cause the crown to crack. We may also recommend a night guard to protect your teeth if you are prone to clenching or grinding your teeth at night. Our team will let you know if there are any other special instructions you need to follow for the health of your crown.

A crown is one of the best options for the health of your teeth if a cavity has caused more damage than a filling can handle. Our professionals can help answer all your questions about getting a crown and will handle the entire procedure for you. If you think you are in need of a crown, or are interested in other dental procedures, please call or text Capital Dental Center at 202-978-8778.

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Capital Dental Center, 1712 I St NW #1000, Washington, DC 20006 / 202-978-8778 / / 9/30/2024 / Page Phrases: dentist Downtown Washington DC /