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Dental Bonding
Washington, DC

Smiling woman at Capital Dental Center in Washington, DC. Dental bonding is a simple dental procedure available to our patients. It takes less than an hour to complete and patients do not need any local anesthesia They are able to walk out full of confidence with a better-looking smile. At Capital Dental Center, we can provide dental bonding procedures for your teeth to give you the smile and the confidence you deserve.

What Is Dental Bonding?

Our courteous staff can provide this simple dental procedure right in our office. This non-surgical process is painless, our patients stay awake and alert without need of anesthesia during the entire procedure. Because of this, our patients need no recovery time and can return to their normal, daily routines. There are no special tools and no referrals to specialists. Our trained staff can provide this service to you in one appointment.

Our staff will help patients choose the proper color shade for the composite resin so the bonding material will match the surrounding natural teeth. After the shade is chosen, our staff roughens the surface of the teeth so they are prepared to accept the pre-bonding liquid. Our team then applies the liquid to the dental bonding area. The liquid will help the bonding agent adhere to the teeth.

After the pre-bonding liquid is applied, our team will take the chosen composite resin and place it over the liquid. Our staff can easily shape and mold the resin so it holds the natural shape of our patient's mouth and tooth structure. The final step in the dental bonding process is done with an ultraviolet light which hardens the composite resin material and ensures it will remain firmly in place permanently. Once the gel has hardened, patients are able to eat and drink a normal diet. They can return to normal daily activities too with a newly repaired smile and boosted confidence.

Why Should I Get Teeth Bonding?

Patients with imperfections in their teeth, whether brought on by poor oral hygiene or trauma, can benefit from a dental bonding procedure. It's a cosmetic process that can repair discolored, cracked, or even decayed teeth. Bonding can also take care of small gaps between teeth as well.

Dental bonding has also been used to normalize the length and size of a patient's teeth. In some cases, one tooth may be noticeably shorter than the rest but this can easily be corrected. This procedure is a quick and painless way to repair uneven teeth and improve our patient's smile.

A single appointment is all that is needed for this procedure. Thirty to sixty minutes is all that is necessary for our professional staff to complete the dental bonding procedure.

At Capital Dental Center we offer dental bonding services to help improve the look and appearance of our patient's smiles. Any patient who is self-conscious about their smile and embarrassed in social situations should call and make an appointment today. This simple, noninvasive, nonsurgical procedure can be done quickly and easily in a single appointment. If you are interested in learning more about dental bonding and how to get started, please call or text 202-978-8778 or stop by our office during normal hours of operation.

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Dental Bonding • Washington, DC • Capital Dental Center
At Capital Dental Center, we can provide dental bonding procedures for your teeth to give you the smile and the confidence you deserve. Call us today!
Capital Dental Center, 1712 I St NW #1000, Washington, DC 20006 \ 202-978-8778 \ \ 9/30/2024 \ Page Phrases: dentist Downtown Washington DC \